Friday, March 30, 2012

Garden Tour & Mail,Fabulous Friday 3-30-12

Today, I did a little garden tour on my way back from the mailbox. Getting real mail is so much fun, especially when it is Stephanie's gorgeous London postcard & Zeynep's beautiful bookmarks. Thank you Stephanie & Zeynep ;D. Enjoy the garden tour;D.

Stephanie's Gorgeous London Postcard has Arrived. Thank you Stephanie;D! Yes, that me & sweet hubby, when we 1st met;D!

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Zeynep's Beautiful Bookmarks in My Studio. Thank you Zeynep;D!

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I Love The Water Drops On This Lavender Bearded Iris, Fabulous Friday 3-30-12

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Yellow Showers Rose Right After A Rain Shower, Fabulous Friday 3-30-12

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During Yoga I Daydreamed About This Sweet Pink Dianthus Flower

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Thank Goodness, I Didn't Give Up On This Pink Rose During Last Summer's Drought

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Jumping In Puddles & Operation Puddle Stomp

1st Sorry the wet jeans & boots posted twice, didn't show up the 1st time I checked. Anywho, Moby & I headed early to the Farms, because I didn't realize a storm was brewing. It turned out ok & I got some fabulous photos, which I'll post soon.

Speaking of Fabulous, my friend, Donna, has christened Fridays as fabulous, I came up with Marvelous Monday & have a few more for the rest of the week. I believe in positive thought so my daily weather posts are going to have positive word attached. Best to start, end or even live in the middle of the day with happy thoughts & attitude.

My Boooots, as I call them(might have to name them sometime),but I digress. My Rain Boots from the generous, sweet & lovely Jessica Swift are just Marvelous. I think, I wear these more than any other shoe or boot & they never let me down. I wear them in rain storms, snow with fleece socks, at the farms, running to yoga, in the garden & the lake, just to name a few. In addition, to being the most well made boot, I've ever owned, she is donating $5 of every online purchase to a water charity. Operation Puddle Jump is over on her blog at so hop on over & get yourself a pair of Wonderful Boooots;D.

Stormy Sky Farms & Jumping Through Puddles, Fabulous Friday, 3-16-12

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Jumping In Puddles, At Least My Feet Are Dry

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Jumping Through Puddles - Front Walk, cleared this 1st;D

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Rainy Self-Portrait

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By the back door

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At the Corner - I'm sure the river water could take me down!

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Surprise Bluebells, a Gift;D

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Don't My Boots Look Cute With My Raincoat!

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Hat After Jumping in Puddles

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At Least My Feet Are Dry, Yay, Jessica's Boooots;D

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