Monday, January 30, 2012

A Special Spot Right Near My Creative Table

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Creative Table For Creative Courage January 2012

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Creative Courage Dreams, Wishes & Words 2012

Finally, a Creative Courage Post, the creative magic from this wonderful course & supportive environment has the art just flowing out of me. I'm paying attention to being an internet creator, not just a internet consumer. I'll share a Done List or as I like to call it, a Ta Da List, soon.

Anywho, this is my 2nd time taking this Creative Courage Course from Stephanie Levy, amazingly I write down my wishes, dreams & intentions, then magic happens. Suddenly, I'm seeing photos screaming to be taken, new app filters to play with & nature to be sketched. I've learned for me, I need to jump right on the creative idea & run with it to completion as fast as I can. Otherwise, the next great idea will distract me, I won't get back to the 1st creative idea for quite a while. Last Fall, I barely got my wishes down on paper when the universe started sending stuff my way. This time, I reviewed my fall wishes, discarded those that didn't apply to my dreams anymore. Next, I wrote my new dreams, wishes & words for 2012 so far, resulting in quite a few intentions on scraps of paper. I want to keep better track of all this creative, juicy life, so I pasted my Fall 2011 intentions into my Fall Journal. January Wishes & Words are in my January journal with future dreams tucked back into my wish box. Everything in it's place and a place for everything, now I can find all my dreams, wishes & words, whenever I want to review them.

I hope my sharing helps someone to take a step, be brave, write it down, because it really does work. Now back to my creative tiger, I've got it by the tail & I'm just hanging on.

Creative Courage January 2012 Wishes & Words in January Journal

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Creative Courage Fall 2011 Wishes in Fall Journal

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New January Wishes Back in Wish Box

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Colorful Morning Sunrise 1-30-12

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Sunrise Pano Daily Weather

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Daily Sunrise or Weather

Daily Sunrise or Morning Weather

Since I love the early morning & especially a good, no fabulous sunrise, I'm starting a new daily sunrise post each day for 365 days. I realize that not every morning will be a sunrise, but it will be an interesting record of my daily visual life. I wish I thought of this earlier, but no time like the present to start now.

Daily Sunrise or Weather

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Oops, forgot to show the Original Tree Photo

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Intentions & Color

Intentions & Color
Like many of us artists, I'm always trying to find the right fit or balance in creating the best me. Words can be very powerful, trust me I know. For the past few years, I've chosen a word for the year. I try to make it fit the whole year through, but it never quite does. 2011 was a year that I surrendered to God, Universe, etc, go with the flow, not fight my life, noticing & paying attention to my intuition. Serendipity happened left & right, including a few visions, which i didn't understand until after the fact. But, thats for another time, an aha moment or moments occurred with a new word or even two showing up every 2-3 months. This year 2012, I am following my intuition of my own true self with multiple words for different parts of my life. Instead of Goals - too harsh & corporate world association or Resolutions - resolve, too serious, Intentions are going to be my goals/resolutions. Intentions are things I intend to do with no timeline, pressure, harshness, no fight, etc. & are easily adaptable or changed.

One of my intentions for this blog is to be more colorful, especially in winter. I don't do well with gray days, it's just such a struggle to get moving. Anyway, I know I must get up & move or its all over. I'm hoping, scratch that, I know color helps me to face the day with good cheer. Another one of my intentions is to use my photos in creating digital art, colorful digital art.

I follow, Kristina Dubuque Ortega, a digital art master at combining color & texture with her photos. When I asked what she uses, photoshop-she works on a computer, she graciously suggested the app Photogene for manipulating photos on the iPad. Below are the results of my two tree photos in Photogene 1st in psychedelic & 2nd in the rainbow enhancement. At the top are the original tree photos, with a gray day sky. I'm hoping these colorful playthings, photos, will help you be of good cheer, too

Psychedelic Enhancement in Photogene

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Rainbow Enhancement in Photogene

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